Data Privacy

By registering for a conference or event in the EventsAIR system, you agree that any data you enter, in particular personal data, has been lawfully collected and may be administered by ETH Zurich Services using the EventsAIR Event Management Software. The data you enter will be stored in Holland (primary) or Ireland (secondary). It is passed on to SendGrid e-mailing services ( and the Microsoft Azure Cloud infrastructure as part of the EventsAIR service ( In exceptional cases, ETH Zurich may be requested to disclose your data to the judicial or data protection authorities. In such a case, we would inform you as the organiser, if permitted.

Personal data is collected for the purpose of binding registrations for events at ETH and for payment of the participation fee via credit card.

Your data will only be requested and used for this particular event or conference. At the end of the event the data will be anonymised.

If for any reason you want to revoke your consent, we will delete your data from the system and can then enter it manually if you wish.